Perceptive readers have noted that uncommon phrases appear as recurring themes in the first Illuminatiam Testament, specifically references to “your world” when mentioning the planet Earth and [...]
The purpose of the Prerequisites is to ascertain an individual's readiness for further Illuminati advancement or membership consideration. The tests are free and available worldwide at...
Readers occasionally note the brevity of the first Illuminatiam Testament, questioning the level of value to be found in a book that is written in an accessible manner. How can so many claim to [...]
The Illuminati’s purpose is the preservation of the human species. Therefore, human sacrifices or any practice that does not serve the betterment of mankind would...
Many citizens have asked why a global organization would relinquish their hold upon their deepest secrets in such a public manner. Why risk turning a population against us when secrecy has served...
Our organization separates individuals of outstanding political, financial, or cultural influence from the rest of the flock, and establishes them as shepherds of the human species. We see and [...]
While the Illuminati endeavors to develop a harmonious society where the need for guns is eradicated, our organization has no interest in disarming a population that requires weapons to defend [...]